Genuine temporary entrant
The genuine temporary entrant (GTE) requirement is an integrity measure to ensure that the student visa programme is used as intended and not as a way for international students to maintain ongoing residency in Australia.
The GTE requirement applies to all student visa applicants. The officer assessing the visa application considers whether the individual circumstances of the student indicates that their intention is for a temporary stay in Australia.
You must satisfy us that you have a genuine intention to stay in Australia temporarily.
How to show you meet GTE requirement
Student visa applicants should provide evidence of meeting the GTE requirement in their application form. This must include a statement in response to the question in the form and/or documentation to support claims made in the statement such as evidence of employment or a copy of educational qualifications.
Your statement should be written by you, even if you are using an agent. You must provide a statement addressing the GTE requirement in English in the application form. If you are not comfortable writing your statement in English, you can write it in your own language, have it translated and then provide the translation in your application. Remember, a decision about whether you meet this requirement can be made based on the information you provide with your application alone. It is important to answer this question.
How does Immigration assess your GTE claims
In assessing your GTE the Department will consider:
- your circumstances
- your immigration history
- if you are under 18 years of age, the intention of your parent, legal guardian or spouse of the applicant
- any other relevant matter.
The GTE requirement provides a useful way to help identify those applicants who are using the student visa programme for motives other than gaining a quality education. The GTE requirement is not designed to exclude those students who, after studying in Australia, go on to develop the skills required by the Australian labour market and apply to obtain permanent residency.